Flooring options for kids’ bedrooms are huge, considering the modern scenario. There are over 100 flooring options, but how to choose the finest flooring for them? Seem challenging, as you need to take a few parameters, like comfort, ease in cleaning, soundproof, slip-resistant, and long-lasting nature.
That’s why we have selected the top-5 flooring options you should definitely try.
Carpet Flooring
On the top of the list lies the carpet flooring. Wondering why? Well, it is soft and has a bit of elasticity. This allows it to act as a cushion for children to play safely on it. Moreover, it also helps reduce the sound of children playing and jumping around.
Cork Flooring
One of the best things about cork flooring is its anti-microbial property, which is critical, as children have the nasty habit of throwing their leftover food pieces on it; thus, cork helps to repel the growth of mold and other microorganisms on it. In addition, they are also a softer material- critical for a child’s safety.
Rubber Flooring
Despite its cost, rubber is highly durable and resistant to scratches, combined with its superseding durability.
Resilient Vinyl Flooring
One of the trending flooring options is not just for kids’ bedrooms but for every room. They are inexpensive, stain & water-resistant, and form an ideal material for children to play carefree on it. However, the major drawback is it releases toxins into the atmosphere causing several breathing problems. Although, these toxins released are minimal and under the safer range where children can do their everyday activities hassle-free.
Tile Flooring
Tiles aren’t much popular option for kids’ bedrooms. But since they are highly durable and easy to clean (unlike the maximum flooring options in the market), we have kept them on our list. They are also widespread in the US household. So, if you have this flooring, we recommend not replacing them; rather, paint them with floor paint for a fresher appeal.
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